Disability Ramps in Financial Institutions – Far from Reality in the Capital
“Being disabled should not mean being disqualified from having access to every aspect of life.” – Emma Thompson a British Actress.
PWDs and Pakistan
Every year “International Day of Disabled Persons” is celebrated on December 3 to promote the inclusion of persons with disabilities in all spheres of life. As the world population clocked 8 billion this November, more than a billion are living with some kind of disability. According to a recent survey, around 31 million people, or 15% of Pakistan’s total population has some form of disability. Persons with Disabilities often referred to as PWDs face many challenges in the social strata of Pakistan. Whether it’s our education system, sports, jobs or access to financial resources, PWDs are often marginalized and not given their due rights.
One of the major issues faced by people with disabilities is accessibility, especially those who require a wheelchair to access a building. For them to access any buildings, a wheelchair ramp is necessary. A wheelchair ramp is an inclined plane installed in a building as an alternative to stairs for disabled people as well as parents with kids in strollers and shoppers with carts. Mostly the ramps are in a concrete form built during the construction of the building as part of the approved design. Some are portable and made of aluminum and can be installed alongside or over the stairs.
Whether it’s the Capital Development Authority (CDA), or the Rawalpindi Development Authority (RDA) their law and regulations clearly say that all commercial, public, and apartments must have a ramp of a certain size, and each floor should be accessible through the ramp in the case of non-provision of a lift. The regulations also call for a toilet to be provided for the disabled. Despite these regulations in place, disability ramps are nonexistent at most banks in Islamabad. A serious violation of the Rights of PWDs.
The Financial Inclusion Law for PWDs in Pakistan
In June 2021, The President of Pakistan approved a comprehensive policy designed by the State Bank of Pakistan called “Policy for Financial Inclusion of Persons with Disabilities (PWDs)” to enhance the financial inclusion of PWDs.
Under the policy framework, Banks will offer all sorts of infrastructural assistance to persons with special needs including and foremost built-in wheelchair ramps. Additionally, passed by the National Assembly of Pakistan the ICT Rights of Persons with Disability Act. 2020 also emphasizes and strictly directs all Government as well as Private Sectors to provide ease of access and mobility for persons with disabilities.
Realization of the Law
Even though years have passed, a majority of banks in Islamabad, Rawalpindi region are still failing to have accessibility ramps for PWDs. Some banks have fulfilled the requirements but only half-heartedly. NOWPDP, a Disability Inclusion Initiative based in Karachi, in one of their recent Twitter post pointed towards disability ramps being treated as “just a matter of formality”. It is more important than commendable that the standard dimensions for designing a disability ramp are followed for safety and accessibility. The ramp in the picture could be wider too and coupled with handrails. The preferred standard dimensions as shown is 1:12.

A wheelchair ramp in the picture below shows a commercial bank having a below-standard wheelchair ramp that is hurtful and disrespectful to disabled persons.
Disability Ramps – Designed but not constructed
It is highly important that the standard dimensions for designing a disability ramp are followed for safety and accessibility. When an architectural consultant was asked about whether the ramps are part of the building design in the first place. The answer was not very unfamiliar. Accessibility is at the heart of architecture. Architects are well aware of the importance of inclusiveness for people with disabilities. When a notable architect in Islamabad was asked, why most commercial and public buildings are devoid of disability ramps? The answer was not very unfamiliar.
“Even though we include the handicap ramp clearly defined with the standard 1:12 ratio in the design and authorities approve the design. During construction, it is completely overlooked. The building is constructed without an accessibility ramp or with an unreal slope, just to check-mark its availability”, said Zamir ul Hassan. An architectural consultant at NZ Architects, based in Islamabad.
He further elaborated on the topic saying “Accessibility is at the heart of architecture. Architects are well aware of the importance of inclusiveness for people with disabilities. Accessibility is by far on top of the consideration list for architects when designing spaces or buildings. We as designers strive to ensure that a building or space we design is accessible to all users”. As a case study, NZ Architects took a very short survey only in G-11 Markaz of Islamabad. One of the many busiest commercial hubs of Islamabad. Among 30+ bank branches, only 1 had a user-friendly wheelchair ramp available (UBL).
A matter of great concern
This a matter of great concern for all stakeholders, the building control authority, the financial institutions as well as owners of the commercial buildings. Apart from the infrastructure challenges, there is also a lack of awareness in society. A motorcycle parked right in front of a disability ramp shows that there is a lack of sensitization and awareness in society. All of this makes up a huge gap in facilitating the PWDs in Pakistan. And something for the authorities to reflect upon.
Originally Published by Ibrahim Nisar in The Friday Times